Solve crosswords, get keys and open chests!

The Avatars event is a great opportunity to expand your collection of personal profile avatars!

✅ To take part, you must:

  1. Be at level 131+;
  2. Have a stable Internet connection;

⏰ The event is limited in time and lasts 48 hours (2 days).

Useful information about the event:

  1. The clues are located in the cells of the main crossword puzzles and are automatically awarded to you after completing the level;
  2. After you collect 10 keys, you will have the opportunity to open a chest with avatars, or rather their parts;
  3. Each avatar consists of 3 parts;
  4. After all 3 parts of one avatar have been collected, it will appear on your profile in the “avatars” tab;
  5. "Avatars" are divided into collections. You are given 2 attempts* to obtain avatars from one collection, since the event is available once a week for 48 hours;
  6. Progress on the event will continue the next time it is launched (in a week);
  7. If you received a duplicate frame piece from a chest, don't worry! As soon as you collect 5 duplicates, another chest with avatar parts will become available to you;

❗ The event and rewards will not be available without the Internet.

*It is possible that events with certain avatar collections will be held in the game again in the future. And then you will have the opportunity to get those avatars that you didn’t manage to get the first time.